
Olive & Dove Nutrition is affiliated with carefully selected health-centered companies for our clients in all the areas that matter – beauty, water filtration, detoxification, post-injury recovery, and more.


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You may choose a free supplement when you sign-up. I recommend Essentials for Life!


(with or without ozone)

The Vollara Air & Surface Pro+ reduces 99.96% of airborne contaminants and pathogens (including SARS-CoV-2) within 1 minute.
Don’t let your lungs be your first filter against moldy, polluted, and virus-riddled environments. If you live in a city (air pollution), I highly recommend browsing these powerful air filters. Vollara has also created odor-eradicating air filters for dog & cat-loving homes. Be sure to check them out! 


(filters, alkalizes, & structures straight from your tap)

This machine takes tap water and makes magic! Vollara created a machine that can produce water akin to what disease-free cultures drink at high elevation. Water that is pure, running off rocks, & full of hydrogen (the most bioavailable form of water). The filter works by separating the acidic counterparts from tap water (pesticides, fluoride, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, etc.). The clean water, post filtration, is then alkalized to whatever setting the user desires. It is also stable, which means the water molecules are structured so that your stomach can properly absorb & hydrate! This machine is much more pristine than the Kangen, and is also easier to maintain. Living water doesn’t need maintenance until 10,000 Liters of water is filtered through – and you can change the plates at home and clean accordingly.


Reach optimal hydration with a hydrogen water bottle. Re-hydrogenating your water helps to increase bioavailability. You’ll feel more energized, and you’ll experience a hydration that plain filtered water cannot achieve.


Therasage is the mecca for all the health gadgets. Prepare to be amazed!

Code: 230523


Choose between various red light therapies to improve skin appearance, promote tissue healing, brain health, relieve pain, increase energy, improve blood flow, balance hormones & lift mood. As soon as you begin utilizing this healing technology, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it!

Red light therapy is akin to plants absorbing sunlight for photosynthesis. It directly helps to power our mitochondria for ATP production in our cells. You can sit back, relax, & soak up all of that healing light.



Explore O3 and the powerful healing it can bring. O3 is activated oxygen, with just one extra atom of oxygen. Whether in air or in water, this highly active element can destroy mold, bacteria, viruses, strong odors, parasites, and more, with 0 by-products. It is your body and your home’s greatest ally. No toxic bleach necessary!

It can treat a variety of diseases, from intravenous use to breathing treatments. Check out Therasage’s Ozone technology to see how it can benefit you and your home. Reach out to me if you have questions about how to ozonate the food you eat, purify the air, and clean house-hold items! Just email

Elaa Skincare

Promo code BEE for 10% off first order!


If you haven’t heard this skincare line before, it’s your lucky day. Elaa skincare is dedicated to using only organic or wildcrafted ingredients in their products that are Chemical Free, Synthetic Free, GMO Free, Toxin Free, Fragrance Free, Paraben-Free, Preservative Free, Emulsifier Free, & Filler Free.

It can be discouraging to try and shop in this day and age for safe skincare products. Many women put 100’s of chemicals on their face, not realizing that these products are banned in Europe (for good reason). Thyroid issues, hormonal issues, skin conditions, allergies, and more are more prevalent in society than ever before.

I greatly urge you to start taking control in at least one area of your life – what you put on your skin! Your skin is your second largest organ, and everything you put on it is as close to eating it!

Use my referral link For Elaa Skincare and be naturally & luxuriously surprised!

I highly recommend the ‘After the Rain – Activated Oxygen Miracle Balm’ , which has worked on my clients to successfully heal skin conditions, reduce scar tissue, clear toxins, and reduce inflammation. Alongside healing your inner terrain via my nutritional counseling sessions, these topical treatments can expedite your desired results.